Christmas card photo

Do you send out a Christmas photo card every year? 
Though we missed a year or two in the early years of our marriage, we have faithfully sent one out each year since our first child was born. Some years choosing a photo for the card was easy…maybe from a family vacation, or an impromptu family picture that was actually good of everyone, or a “milestone” moment, like a graduation.  Other years, I went into a slight panic mode in November and we staged a family photo shoot somewhere around our house. My sons and husband, fortunately, tolerated this fairly well….as long as the photo shoot did not last very long and we were not changing to multiple locations. 

Well, this is one of those years. Since the house is still decorated for fall, I want the photo taken outside. When you live in our area of Puget Sound, this always presents a problem. November is often rainy and windy so finding a day when everyone can make it home during daylight hours and it’s not raining can be a challenge…one I am totally willing to take on, however!

You see, I grew up in a family that served as missionaries to Japan (before I was born) and then in Brasil. My dad and mom felt it was important to keep in touch with family, friends, and supporters through a Christmas letter (a post on that later) with photos, so these folks could feel a little more connected to us…so many miles away.  My dad was the photographer…a novice. Some years were definitely better than others! 

I’m sure my sons would now say the same thing looking at Christmas card pictures from previous years, or, “Really, Mom?!” I don't think any of our past photos would be published in one of those "awkward family photos" books, but I may be slightly biased!   I hope someday they will appreciate this little piece of their history and maybe even carry it on….hoping so.  We never really know what will stick with our kids or become meaningful memories, do we? 

Wish us well…it’s not raining, younger son is coming home soon, and… I have a spot picked out! Yes!
I’ll post the photo soon, if it works out.  Happy late November to you!