A Thrill of Hope...

A Thrill of Hope...

As I was thinking about the Advent season this year, I saw a Christmas card that highlighted the words from a favorite Christmas Carol, O Holy Night. The words...a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices...just seemed to leap off the card and resonated with me. After the recent shootings in Paris, Colorado, and California, the world feels weary, broken, hopeless.

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A warrior...

A warrior...

Last Thursday, I shared a devotional at an early morning women's group I attend once a month. Two friends of mine formed the group several years ago, reaching out primarily to business women,  looking for an opportunity to share faith and life together before the start of the work day. From the very first meeting, these women were open, authentic, trust worthy, and intent about living a life that reflects faith in Jesus Christ. 

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Setting a Fall table...and Pumpkin Carrot Cake!

Setting a Fall table...and Pumpkin Carrot Cake!

Last night was my turn to host Book Club at my house. A friend who lives up the street invited me to join this new Book club several months ago. As an added bonus, she invited us for dinner on her deck...hard to pass that up! Though most of the women were new to me, I'm always amazed by how quickly women can connect and open up, sharing stories of our lives, in a group that feels safe...and comfortable...with no need to impress.

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October fun...

October fun...

With Halloween just around the corner, I finally ventured out to a local pumpkin patch to gather some pumpkins. I must admit sometimes I am tempted to just pick up a few pumpkins from one of the grocery markets, but then I remember all the trips over the years to a local farm and I just have to go...schlepping through the mud and straw to find that perfect pumpkin...or two or three! 

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Front Porch Friday...

Front Porch Friday...

I was sitting on our front porch one morning recently, thinking back over the summer. If you've been reading along with this blog for a while, you know that I am a "summer" girl. I love the sunshine, blue skies, and any possible time I can spend enjoying the water. The past summer was certainly full of sunshine, a record breaker for the Seattle area...no complaints from me! 

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A sweet bridal shower...

A sweet bridal shower...

A young woman who grew up in our church was getting married. Two friends and I decided we should throw a bridal shower for her and arranged a date. The bride, Abby,  just happens to be our pastor's daughter and is beloved by many in our congregation.  She and her family came to Lake Stevens when she was just 5 years old so we have all had the pleasure of watching her grow up and mature into the lovely woman she is today. Abby is one of those young women that you can't help but admire!

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Loving family...

Loving family...

Journeying to Minnesota and Wisconsin a week ago, I once again experienced that sense in the depth of my being that we all crave...that of being deeply loved.  I drove up the winding driveway through the trees to the door of my aunt and uncle's home on Red Cedar Lake on that Thursday evening and my aunt Connie and several cousins came running out the door to greet me. What a welcome!


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Warm Beach events...

Warm Beach events...

Last week was the culmination of months of meetings, of planning, for the annual conference of the our national church body (the AFLC). Sometime last fall, our pastor had emailed me and asked me to consider taking on the "decor" for several events at the conference, to be held at the Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center. After praying about this "opportunity," and recruiting a couple of friends to help me, I said yes.


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