Come in today, come in...

Come in today, come in...

I love Christmas carols! Each year I look forward to listening to and singing the age old familiar carols as I decorate about the house, ride in my car, sing in church. In our family we sing many of them together on Christmas eve after dinner, before my brother Jonathan (who took over this tradition after Dad died) reads the Christmas story from Luke 2.

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Advent preparations begin...

Advent preparations begin...

I love the season of Advent, preparing for the celebration of Christmas. One of the newer traditions that I so enjoy is the now annual Christmas wreath making party at the Forde's home. You may remember I wrote about this event last year too here. The party actually took place on the first Sunday of Advent and as I was driving home, I began to think about all that this means.

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A Little Bit of Country...

A Little Bit of Country...

You know, prior to meeting my husband, I'd never been much of country music fan. My exposure to country was limited to hearing Johnny Cash once in a while on the radio, or having small, down home quartets, that were on a traveling circuit come and sing at our church. They often accompanied their songs with guitar or slide guitar, and their vocals included a lot of swooping up to the note and funny little harmonies.

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