Fall color moves in...

Chippewa Falls, WI via pinterest

Chippewa Falls, WI via pinterest

In the fall, my thoughts turn often to the Midwest. I'm not totally sure why...perhaps because I spent six fall seasons there of my life prior to and during my college years...perhaps because fall in the Midwest is simply one of the best places to see fall colors. I have such wonderful memories of walking around my college campus, leaves blazing in color and crunching under my feet.  I love to visit the Midwest in the fall, but am thankful that we have lovely fall leaf colors here too.

Seattle in the fall...via pinterest

Seattle in the fall...via pinterest

This year I've moved slowly into fall. Here in the Northwest, we have had a lovely early fall, with lots of sunshine, so I wasn't quite ready to let the summer go. But, now the rains have come, and one definitely feels fall in the air in the early mornings and late evenings. During the past few days, I finally brought a little taste of fall into the house. Some years I've gone all out, with lots of rust, orange, and gold everywhere. This year, I kept it pretty simple...and I'm liking it. I've been following a Norwegian blogger, Vibeke Design, and I love how she just seems to bring some of nature's colors inside...reminds me of my mother. Mom loved to go outside and clip branches and flowers to bring inside and the older I get, the more I like the simplicity of that style.

So, welcome to my little fall tour...come on in!

One of the things I do love to bring out in the fall is one of my plaid wool blanket...I have a little collection, but the colors of this one just say "Fall" to me.

The entry...

The entry...

Fall in the Northwest is apple season...look back at some of my September posts if you are interested in some delicious apple recipes!

Fall always makes me think of harvest...especially wheat. I love the look of wheat so much that I used it as the header photo of my blog! I also love wheat products...especially bread!

You may remember that I had a lemonade bar on this bar all summer long, but when fall comes, it's the start of hot chocolate, hot cider, and hot tea season for me and my family. I went on a little shopping trip to Target and found all these fun varieties of marshmallows...pumpkin spice, candy corn, and little ghosts! When my sons were growing up, I decorated for Halloween in October, but now that they are grown, those things are in storage. Maybe if and when grandchildren come along, those Halloween things will make their way out of the closet. For now, I'm happy to just celebrate fall.

This sweet little antique table was an inheritance from my mother in law and I love it. The classic portrait of the old man thanking God for his daily bread is a favorite of mine.

And...a little more wheat! Years ago my husband stopped along side of the road and clipped some wheat for me on one of his archery hunting trips to eastern Washington...I just love this unique variety.

Still looking for the right wooden candle holders to add to this fall table...hope to find some soon. I love candle light at dinner or even in the late afternoon.

The fireplace mantel is pretty simple this year...just some fall leaves and pumpkins and surprise...wheat bushels! 

This unique lamp was an old oil lantern that my mother in law converted to an electric lamp...another lovely piece we inherited.

The striped pillow covers of summer have been replaced by the cozy corduroy and tapestry accent pillow....warming things up a bit.

Several years ago I happened upon a sale of antique dough bowls, wooden buckets, and farming implements from Europe and China. I have used them over and over in all seasons of the year.

Well, that ends my little fall tour for now. As Thanksgiving approaches, I may be adding a few Pilgrims...who knows? I hope you too are enjoying fall, maybe getting cozy by a fireplace, reading more books, drinking hot cider, and taking long walks.

Today I stopped by my cousin, Lyle and his wife, Lois's house to do some planning for an upcoming baby shower for a friend of ours. Their three little blonde grandsons were there too...one playing with Brio train track, one running circles around the kitchen island, the youngest one on the verge of walking...brought back such warm memories of my sons growing up. As I drank a cup of tea and ate a homemade chocolate chip cookie, it was fun to be surrounded by little ones. I love their exuberance and joy! I want to leave you with one last photo...that captures the wonder of fall. Warmly, Gracia