Rustic gazebo...
/My husband likes to mess around with wood. He pretty much has done this whole life, starting when he would to take his allowance to the local hardware store in Lake Stevens at the age of six and buy a bag of nails so he could build something...anything. He built a tree house at the age of eleven and wired it so he had light! Choosing building as a profession was a no brainer...his "Soul Print" as Mark Batterson would say.
Not long ago, I made my weekly trek to Plain and saw a new structure going up. We had talked a while back about a gazebo, possibly for a future hot tub, but in my mind that was a ways down the road. Silly me! I somehow forgot that once he gets an idea in his head, he's gonna try to make it happen...sooner, rather than later. Well, turns out he had left over concrete from a pour on another job, he had left over beams and posts, and he had some freshly planed live edge cedar just crying out for a home.
A little while later, it looked like this...
And this past weekend, (imagine a little drumroll....), he finished it!
Isn't it lovely? Now, if only my piggy bank was a quite a bit fuller...not much room in the budget for a hot tub at this point. Maybe we can just sit under there when it's raining or snowing and just imagine sitting in the hot steaming water...
Looking up standing underneath it...
Next to the little bunkhouse...
Just had to brag on my husband a little bit. He's been through a lot in the past few years...breaking his left arm and then his right hand/wrist which required surgery...surgical repair of both shoulders...optic neuritis which permanently impaired his vision in one eye...a deep financial loss due to the economic recession...the passing of his mother after her struggle with Alzheimer's....and yet he keeps on working hard for our family. For better, for worse...right? The Lord has allowed some deep valleys in our lives so I'm praying for a season of restoration...maybe a little time on the mountain top. Maybe it begins with a mountain gazebo...