Friday Fireside Chat...

Perhaps thinking and writing about the experiences of my dad and his brothers in WWII for Veteran's Day has caused me to to get stuck in a bit of time warp. I love reading about the stories and history from the 1930's and 1940's. As I was sitting in my chair out on the chilly front porch early this morning, I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to be cozied up to a fireplace?" My thoughts then segued to President Roosevelt and his famous "Fireside Chats". As one listener recalled, "it was like the president with his voice, came into your house, calling us friends."

I love that! Those were the days of radio, so all you had was the sound of his voice. I have a couple of cassette tapes with talks that my dad gave and sometimes when I am feeling lonesome for him, I listen to him...just his voice...and his words...and it is like he is in the room with me. 

Well, this is another time and place, but I thought I would engage in a little "Fireside Chat" with you. I know you cannot hear my voice, but hopefully the words I write will help you to hear my voice in another sense. Just an aside, our fireplace is actually getting repaired today, so hopefully I will have a photo soon with a fire actually burning in the fireplace! 

This morning I awoke at 4:34 am and just decided to get up, to spend a little extra time with the Lord and his Word. My thoughts were burdened somewhat by a friend who asked for prayer last night for her son who is struggling. As so often happens, I opened my Daily Bread devotional, and there it was...a Word of hope. This passage, Lamentations 3:21-25, is one of my favorites...shared with me years ago by my friend, Priscilla. 

Yet this I call to mind
    and therefore I have hope:

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”

25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;

I am so thankful for our God, who meets us at our point of need, and speaks words of hope..words of mercy.. and words of love. If you are struggling with any heaviness or burden, I hope that these words speak to you too.

On a lighter note, Thanksgiving is coming closer and many of you are making plans for your menu and guests at your table. I thought I would share several of my favorite table settings from the web for a little inspiration :).

I love the simple use of a leaf and velvet ribbon...

How easy is this...a painted monogram letter on a little sugar pumpkin...

If you are a little tired of pumpkins, how about using wheat, grapes, gourds, and white candles...

A rustic wooden box, pumpkins, pine cones, white candles, and fillers...

How cute is this...a leaf sugar cookie paired with a maple leaf?

Love how simple these place cards are...with my fall favorite...wheat.

And finally, a simple place setting in my dining room this fall.

Hope you enjoyed our little Friday Fireside Chat...and have a fireplace to snuggle up to in these chilly days. Was 17 degrees here one morning this past week...that's crazy cold for the Pacific Northwest! Happy weekend, friends!

All images, except the first and last one, are via Pinterest...