Our door is always open...
/I have a thing about doors...
I always notice what a home's front door looks like and tend to remember it. When I'm asking for directions to someone's house, I will often ask, "What color is your house....and how about the color of your door?" A door can be so welcoming...and may give you the first hint of the owner's personality and the style you are likely to find inside. Don't you love it when you stop by a friend's house, knock on the door or ring the doorbell, the door opens and you hear the words, "Come in"? You feel so warmly welcomed!
The first time I went to Europe, spending time in Rome, Madrid, Paris, and London, I was struck by the unique doors on many homes and buildings. Many were beautiful wood doors with wrought iron work....
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and doors with bright colors...
love the yellow...
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the aqua....
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the magenta...
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and a personal favorite...red.
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A year and a half ago we moved into the old craftsman home that had been owned by my mother and father-in-law. Though I loved many things about the home, one thing that had always seemed so out of character with the rest of the house was the front door....a double glass slider. The opening side of the slider was heavy to push and it seemed to get worse and worse, the longer we lived here. Finally, it became almost impossible to open it unless you half lifted it as you pushed. Not too fun with a load of groceries on your arms! So, my husband removed that half and took it to a local door/window store to see if it could be repaired. The owner said no, he had replaced the rollers on it once before and since the door was over 30 years, he could no longer even get the parts. By this time it was summer, and since the front door opens into an "arctic entry", with another door that actually opens into the house, we just decided to leave the door as it was (half the door off!) and start shopping for a door. Husband builder was very busy with other projects, so the whole door replacement process was postponed until fall, when the temperatures began to cool.
Though I would have loved to have a beautiful wood door, we had to rule that out due to the wet weather exposure the door would receive. We finally decided on this composite door and I am so thrilled!
Do you remember the old song, "Bless This House"? I love the lyrics:
Bless this house,O Lord, we pray, Make it safe by night and day,
Bless these walls so firm and stout, keeping want and trouble out.
Bless the roof and chimneys tall, Let Thy peace lie over all,
Bless this door that it may prove, ever open to joy and love.
This is my prayer for our home....that our door is ever open to joy and love. Come on in!