A little obsession...
/via pinterest from marybethstimeforpaper.blogspot
Do you have any little obsessions? I'm referring to something that you have a hard time walking by without making a purchase, or at least glancing at the selection? For me, one of my little obsessions is nice stationary, particularly note cards! There's just something about looking at a beautifully designed note card and touching the paper that makes me smile.
I love to send and received hand written note cards. In this age when communication has often been reduced to a few words in a text or tweet, there is something wonderful about seeing a hand addressed envelope in the mail. If the card is from someone I've known for a long time, just the sight of their handwriting brings a smile to my face. And then, I open the card, and find the kind words of someone who made the extra effort to find a card, put their thoughts in writing, address and mail it...priceless.
from Staples
Recently I had a birthday and was blessed to receive a number of thoughtful gifts. Truly, I feel so blessed to have such thoughtful, loving, and generous friends and family! After making a little list of thank you notes to be written, I ran up the stairs to my little writing desk and pulled out several boxes of thank you note cards....variety is the spice of life, right? I began to write the notes, picturing not so much the gift, but the giver in my mind. In the words of William A. Ward, "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
from Target
Sometimes I wish I was one of those crafty people who buy all sorts of colored craft paper and special paper punches and scissors and create their own custom beautiful cards, but frankly, that is just not me. I certainly love to receive those lovely custom cards though! When I need some cards, I just hit the stationary sections of stores like Target or Staples and buy the cards that my eye is drawn too. Once in a while, I must confess that I do break down and order some special cards I see online or specialty stationary shops. That's about as unique and custom as I get!
from LLH Designs
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I keep a thankfulness journal that I add a few lines to every day...the sound of the birds in the morning...the smell of coffee brewing...the smell of fresh laundry...and the sight of a note card in the afternoon mail. My mother would often say, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good" from Psalm 107:1....I so aspire to be like her and have a long way to go. I am thankful for you, my blog readers.
I leave you with the words of G.K. Chesterton, "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."