Baby, baby...


Yesterday I attended a baby shower for the daughter of a friend of mine. The young mother and her husband are having their first child...a boy. These young mothers look so much more fashionable than my generation....and the plethora of baby things is amazing! Who knew that instead of a pillow to support your baby while nursing that you need a "boppy"?!

The lovely mother-to-be...

The lovely mother-to-be...

The guests at this shower were multi generational...ranging in age from 20 something to 80 something. I enjoyed just listening to all the comments and reminiscing going on around me about each mother's experiences with her babies...such a bonding experience.  As mothers shared their delivery experiences, the birth weights of their babies, the choosing of names....the common thread that came through all the chatter was...simply love. Someone once said that being a mother is like having your heart walking around outside of your body...isn't that so true? 

One of the beautiful floral arrangements...

One of the beautiful floral arrangements...

A small journal was passed around to the guests and we were asked to share a bit of wisdom or advice for the new parents. It's sometimes hard to condense your thoughts in situations like that, but here's what I said. "Welcome to the world of's an adventure. Commence prayer! Remember that "He tenderly leads those who have young." (Isaiah 40:11)." I could have written a small book...when I think back on all the things I've learned about raising boys, but that is part of my life story...not theirs.  In our case, God chose to give us two sons who are absolutely polar opposites...a real challenge in parenting. Yet, I learned so much from each one and do treasure their unique personalities and abilities. Through all the joy and sorrow of raising children, I'm just so thankful that God was with me...and that He can use it all, even my many mistakes, for good (Romans 8:28). In loving my sons unconditionally, I caught a glimpse into the heart of God...Oh, how He loves each one of us!

Recognize that fondant baby?...I like those little guys!

Recognize that fondant baby?...I like those little guys!

Yogurt parfait bar...

Yogurt parfait bar...

Bunting with actual baby clothes of the father and mother-to-be...

Bunting with actual baby clothes of the father and mother-to-be...

Lovely flower arrangements that were given to special family members by Dru,  the generous hostess...

Lovely flower arrangements that were given to special family members by Dru,  the generous hostess...

Mother-to-be, maternal and paternal grandmother-to-be...first grandchild on both sides...just a little happy!!!

Mother-to-be, maternal and paternal grandmother-to-be...first grandchild on both sides...just a little happy!!!

This new little one is already so blessed is he!  Welcome to our world, baby Kruse :).