Signs of spring...
/Yesterday we had a few sun breaks and I wandered outside to take some photos of the flowers in bloom. I just love looking at makes me marvel at God's amazing creativity...and it simply makes me happy! There is something about spring that infuses me with hope. The signs of new life springing from the bare earth just reminds me of fresh beginnings...that winter does come to an end...there is light at the end of whatever tunnel you are going through.
Several years ago, when the economy was at one of its' lowest points, and we were facing some difficult challenges, an insert in our church bulletin caught my eye. I pulled it out, read it, and have carried it around in my Bible ever since. Can I share it with you?
"With the arrival of spring, we'll see fresh buds on the trees and flowers beginning to push their way through the thawing soil. Spring represents an occasion for newness: new hopes, new ideas, new outlook, new passion and new enthusiasm for what God has called you to do.
Let something new catch your attention and move you from the mundane of winter to the freshness of spring. The prophet Isaiah writes, "See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19).
What are those new things He has ordered into your family's life for spring of...2014? Have you taken time to write down your dreams and hopes?
Believe God for the improbable - even the impossible. I have learned that nearly all of God's desires seem impossible at first, but don't let that stop you - He is able.
Never in God's Word do we hear the words: "Don't try anymore." To all of us He says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9).
The dark days of winter are past and hope springs eternal. Our Lord believes in you." by H.B. London JR
Cross with heart made by Pastor Mark Molstre.
I hope you found these words as encouraging as I did. As I wandered around outside, I looked at some birch branches I had leaned against the house very late last fall (and had white Christmas lights running through them all winter!). I was so surprised to see new leaves growing on some of the branches...even though they had been cut months ago. Another sign of hope...even things that appear dead can sometimes have new life. It reminded me of the words from Victor Hugo in Les Miserables..."Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."
Happy hunting for signs of spring and happy Monday, dear friends!