Summer's almost here...

The weather definitely gave us a taste of summer this past weekend. Love waking up to sunshine, grabbing my cup of coffee, and heading outside for a quiet time on the deck in the morning! The lake was flat and calm....only the early fishermen were out. I called a friend and off we went on our kayaks for a couple hours Saturday morning...perfect! 

I love to plant pots of "annual" flowers for summer color. The flowers are just starting to fill in and show their true cheerful! We have a busy summer ahead with new business ventures and projects, but I plan to squeeze in some time to simply relax and enjoy this season....singing "Summer breeze, makes me feel fine...."

Summer always draws me to water...lake, river, saltwater....I'm not too picky! Even though I have spent much of my life near Lake Stevens, it can be easy to keep so busy in the summer that the days slip away without enjoying this lovely lake. I've always loved the words of Jesus to his disciples when they were preaching and teaching, with so many people coming and going that they didn't even have a chance to eat, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31). There you have it...even Jesus mandated a time to refreshed and renewed. 

A sailboat outside of Anacortes...

A sailboat outside of Anacortes...

In addition to time spent on the lake, one of the things I love to do in the summer is head out to the San Juan Islands. For years we had a bay boat but sold it when our lives got too busy with our family and sports commitments. Our sons have fond memories of catching shrimp, crabbing with the crab pots, and fishing off the boat or the docks...can't get any fresher than that! Fortunately, my cousin Lyle and his wife, Lois, have a lovely boat and they invite us to join them once in a while. Sitting on the fly bridge, playing Mexican train or Rook, stopping to hike or kayak off the boat...such fun! There is just something so calming about falling asleep to the sound of the water lapping up against the it! 

Bay on San Juan Island...

Bay on San Juan Island...

Friday Harbor on San Juan town!

Friday Harbor on San Juan town!

Friday Harbor...

Friday Harbor...

There is just something about spending time around boats and water that speaks of summer to me. What about you? What do you look forward to this summer?