A Wedding Vow...
/The other night my husband and I took a slow cruise around the lake...and enjoyed this beautiful sunset. During the boat ride, we looked at houses, talked about our memories growing up on the lake, and some of our early memories as a couple. We spent a lot of time at the lake the summer we met. Our group of friends spent many evenings after work swimming, tubing, water skiing, sitting around the campfire, even sleeping out under the stars. The lake, the fun times, and our shared faith formed a connection that eventually led to a date in August and a whirlwind romance before we returned to college...1800 miles apart.
Two years later we were married...on a warm July afternoon and vowed to love each other all of our days. Did we know what we were getting into? Not really! My husband was totally different from my father in personality, background, and vocation. He had come to faith as a teenager...I had loved Jesus my whole life. Though we had come to faith differently, faith was the glue that held us together through times when we disagreed, had temper flareups, and disappointed each other. He and I are very different...he is always moving, is a risk taker, a hands on learner, an adventurer...I am much quieter, love security, a reader, and for the most part, love tradition.
Love the 80's perm?!! The white tux?!!
Did opposites attract? I guess so, but I do know this. We have learned a lot from each other and have encouraged one another to step outside our comfort zones. In some ways, we've both changed...he has become quieter, I've become more outgoing. We love our times doing things together...yet enjoy times apart spent alone or with friends. It's been quite a journey...raising two polar opposite boys and experiencing the ups and downs of life as a self employed construction contractor in Alaska and Washington. Our bodies are no longer firm and trim...wrinkles line our faces. He still makes me laugh! Just the other day,he said, "I love your smile"...sigh. We choose to love each other and be faithful...that's what matters.
We have experienced God's hand of love, grace, forgiveness, and deliverance in our lives together. God has been good to us over and over, even during the hard times. We know we can rely on each other and our home is a refuge for us and our children. Years of shared memories with one another, our families, and friends, and our church bond us together. Years ago I heard an interview on the radio with Chuck Swindoll, pastor, speaker, author. He was asked,"What is the greatest testimony you can give your children?" His response was, "Stay Married." I was surprised...I had expected a different answer. And yet, his answer makes sense...because a strong marriage is a picture of God's sustaining love and grace.
So, this weekend we will celebrate many years of life and love together. Our wedding text, selected by Pastor Anderson, has been an enduring encouragement for us. I Cor 2:9, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love Him."
Photo taken by Debora Nelson of Photographic Journeys...
Happy 34th Anniversary, hon! I hope we have many more....maybe not a thousand, but close!
I'll leave you with this version of the song, "A Thousand Years" by the Piano Guys.