Staging 102...
/Staging a home for resale can be challenging, particularly when it is completely empty. Not long after staging a mountain cabin for sale, I was asked to stage a small cottage in Leavenworth. Dropping by with the realtor to check it out, I knew I had my work cut out for me. You see, all the previous places I had staged in the Leavenworth area were definitely the mountain cabin vibe...but this little cottage definitely was not! Instead of the rustic pine that is infused in most cabins, this one was all sheetrocked with painted colors like pale yellow, lavender, and seafoam green.
A couple "before" shots:
The realtor had hoped the home owner would be willing to repaint prior to marketing the home, but sadly, that was not in her budget. We had to work with the colors that were there! So, my friend, Pam, and I went to work, gathering furnishings and accessories that would compliment the existing colors and more cottage type vibe. We did have to purchase a few things like inflatable mattresses for the bedrooms, a couple of dining chairs, and a wicker chest...but almost everything else came from our cabin surplus stash or our own homes!
Here are the "after" shots:
The open living room...
An entry table...
Drop cloth ruffled table cloth over card table...fine dining!
A little desk for the tiniest bedroom/office...
Master bedroom...
Second bedroom...
A few kitchen accessories...
More kitchen...
Master bath...
Once again, an offer to purchase the home came in within 20 days...but that offer did not come together. The home was sold and closed a short time later. Though the staging the totally empty house was quite a project, there is something fulfilling about creating a sense of home...all in a day!
Keep us in mind if any of you have a house to sell and need a little help with "staging" or design. We love doing this! We just spent a few hours this week helping our son's former Wyldlife leaders arrange furniture and accessorize their new home in the Lynnwood area. The transformation is such fun to see!
It's been quite a week, collectively mourning the loss of Robin Williams. If any of you are interested in learning more about depression and particularly, suicide, I highly recommend a book called Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide by Kay Redfield Jamison...very sobering and insightful. Robin Williams was so beloved by many...he always absolutely amazed me with his bright mind and talent.
It's glad. Wishing you all a good weekend, Gracia