
With the Labor Day weekend upon us, some of you are planning to get in just one more camping trip before the summer is over. When you look at the picture above, the thought of camping near a beach...or lake...or river...or a stream seems appealing, doesn't it? Years ago I did a fair amount of the Boundary Waters Canoe area in northern Minnesota while in Eastern Washington at Lake Alta in our first year of various parts of Alaska in our early marriage British Columbia and Eastern Washington when our boys were young...and one last time when our boys were in Middle School. 

Looks like Lake Alta...

Looks like Lake Alta...

I do admit there were some good times. We love being outdoors and camping is the only option if you want to stay in some remote places...or simply be very "back to nature." BUT....there were also some very memorable "bonding moments", if you know what I mean! On our first Lake Alta trip with another couple, JR and Karen,  our friend JR and I waded to shore and were soon covered in almost unbearable swimmer's itch! We had to stop on the way home and jump in the river to try to cool the burning rash which lasted for 3 miserable days.

One of our trips camping near Whittier, Alaska, was cut short when we awoke to find a bear had upended all of our coolers and food bins and eaten everything! The thought that this bear was that close to our little tent was a bit unnerving! 

Whittier, Alaska

Whittier, Alaska

Then, there was the last camping trip to Priest Lake and Lake's a really long story, so I won't go into all the details, except to say it involved a trip to ER and  stitches, a car/boat accident, a severe rain/wind storm that almost destroyed our boats, and an incredible wind/sand storm that destroyed our tents and sports awning and upended a large cooler full of sodas off the picnic table. Fortunately, we were with good friends and we all lived to tell the tale...which we do enjoy retelling from time to time when we are all together! But that was it for more camping for this girl!

Priest Lake, Idaho...on a calm day!

Priest Lake, Idaho...on a calm day!

I know, I know...all my friends who love camping think I'm missing out, or think I'm a wimp, but I've done enough camping for my my humble opinion. I really like comfortable beds, warm showers, and real kitchens for food preparation! I do enjoy a good long as I can crawl into a warm bed later...sigh. So, when my sister asked me to bake a retirement cake for one of her nurse friends who enjoys camping and hiking, I almost hesitated...memories of the camping fiascos flooded my mind. 

I did manage to get the cake done...and if you are a camper, I hope you like it!


Have a happy and safe weekend, my friends! I will be in Plain...enjoying early morning walks along the river, the bright sunshine during the day, and the blanket of stars at night that feel almost close enough to touch. Warmly, Gracia

All images except cake via Pinterest...