Officially Fall...
/So, a week ago Fall officially started! I don't know about you, but it had been feeling like fall for most of September, especially in the mornings. The days would start cool and misty, then the sun would come out and tease us into thinking summer was lingering on...until evening when the cool temps would resume as the sun went down.
I'm thankful for changes in seasons, aren't you? I loved going down to Carlton Farms to get some pumpkins and cornstalks for my fall Open House at the shop last Thursday. Carlton's is rather special to me because I spent some of my childhood years living just up the hill from their farm. Bill Carlton was my first bus driver, and he was eventually replaced by his son, Reid. Back in those days, Carlton's had a little dairy and produce stand where we bought milk in glass gallon bottles all year long and corn on the cob in the fall. I actually picked corn there to make some spending money when I was in junior high. And during the years my boys were growing up, we often went there to pick out our pumpkins from their pumpkin patch. Now they've added a beautiful barn for events and weddings and the produce store is quite large. I love to sample all the yummy products they can and bottle pickles, salsas, jams, and salad dressings! Do you have a favorite pumpkin patch?
Just thought I'd show you a few photos from the Open House. I was so surprised and blessed to see 4 cars containing wonderful friends who made a special trip to drive across the mountains to come! A good friend, Cheryl, came and helped me all afternoon to keep the drinks and buffet refreshed while I popped in and out of the shop. It was a beautiful day with temps in the mid 70's....truly Indian summer, as they used to say.
Just before getting drinks and food out...
Mostly desserts, with a round of Cougar Gold cheese...
The beverage station...Hot cider and sparkling cider, citrus infused water, and hot coffee...of course!
Inside of the shop...
Cheryl, my gracious helper, and me...
Thanks to the dear friends and local folks from Plain who stopped made my day! I don't know about you, but I have to admit that I enjoy some of things that fall brings, like football...corn on the cob...leaves turning color...crackling fires...warm sweaters...plaid blankets...boxes of apples...and pumpkins in every which way!
What's your favorite thing about fall?