October fun...
/With Halloween just around the corner, I finally ventured out to a local pumpkin patch to gather some pumpkins. I must admit sometimes I am tempted to just pick up a few pumpkins from one of the grocery markets, but then I remember all the trips over the years to a local farm and I just have to go...schlepping through the mud and straw to find that perfect pumpkin...or two or three!
A friend told me about a new pumpkin patch she had visited with quite a good selection of the different pumpkin varieties...the mini's in orange and white, the green, the white, and the good ole' traditional orange ones. Remember when the orange one was your only choice?! One beautiful morning last week, I had a couple hours to spare and decided to make the drive to Snohomish to check out Bailey's Pumpkin Patch.
Since it was a midweek day, the farm was pretty quiet. A family was just leaving as I drove in and I had the place to myself! I enjoyed walking around and taking a few photos as I gazed at their lovely farm. What a peaceful, pastoral setting!
Love the cows grazing in the background!
Love old trucks!
Love this pumpkin patch!
Once I got home, I had a little fun arranging them outside the front door with the flower pots of mums. Aren't these colors so rich and lovely?
There is just something so wonderful about the changing seasons. I love the colors of autumn and am so in awe of God's wonder filled creation. I love the words of Gen. 8:22, "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”
Do you have a favorite pumpkin patch? I would love to hear about it! Warmly, Gracia