Come in today, come in...
/I love Christmas carols! Each year I look forward to listening to and singing the age old familiar carols as I decorate about the house, ride in my car, sing in church. In our family we sing many of them together on Christmas eve after dinner, before my brother Jonathan (who took over this tradition after Dad died) reads the Christmas story from Luke 2.
Though I love the old ones, this year one of the newer Christmas carols has really resonated with me. The song is written from Mary's perspective and has a lyrical phrase that says, "make my heart your Bethlehem." Seems like this should be so open our hearts and make room for Him. Yet, though this is my desire, I think my life often looks more like the innkeeper who said, "No room," when Joseph inquired about a place for them to stay.
"No room" in my my I get caught up in my to do lists, obsess over the things I tend to worry about...most of which are totally out of my control.
So, I've been listening to this song every morning this week, praying that God would give me a heart like Mary's, who made room for Him and then "treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart," Luke 2:19. I'm reminded of a simple chorus I learned as a young girl..."Come into my heart, Come into my heart, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today, Come in to stay, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus." Because the beauty and wonder of this Christmas story is that He not only came, but He still spread His love and transform lives.
He longs to come alongside us in all our joys, all our struggles, all our griefs, all our dreams.
Want to sing along with me each morning? Listen as Francesca Battistelli sings, "Be Born in Me." May we say like Mary,
I am not brave
I'll never be
The only thing my heart can offer is a vacancy
I'm just a girl
Nothing more
But I am willing, I am Yours
Let's make room together. Warmly, Gracia