Voices that speak from the grave...

As I was baking bread last week, I could not quite put my finger on a feeling I had. Something felt so right...the faint scent of the yeasty raw dough, the flour that somehow escaped the mixing bowl, landing on the counter, and later the smell of bread baking...one of my favorite smells in the whole world.

Thinking about how good, how right, this felt, I realized it was probably because I was mimicking my mother. One of my fondest memories of home was waking to the smell of bread baking on a Saturday morning, or coming home from school to find freshly baked loaves of bread on the counter. As I baked bread, I could almost sense my mother next to me, smiling, so pleased that I was enjoying doing something she so loved to do. 

The words of my parents, and even my grandma, often visit my thoughts as I go about my day. Arising in the morning, especially if I'm a little blue for whatever reason, I think of my mother saying, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps 118:24). Ever the optimist, she encouraged a positive, faith filled, attitude. 

When I am critical, making a quick judgement about someone's actions, I can almost hear my dad say, "Remember, you haven't walked in their shoes." He who embraced people of all cultures and backgrounds, always looking for a point of connection, helped me appreciate and value those who are different than me.

When things don't turn out the way I had planned, the words my grandmother often quoted come to mind, "God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform..." (William Cowper). Her perspective reminds that God is often at work in ways I cannot see or imagine.

Though these special people have been gone from this earth a long time now, their words still speak from the grave. Their legacy of love, kindness, and faithfulness help keep me grounded and remind me who I am...His child, uniquely created and deeply loved. I am so grateful. 

Thinking about this makes me think about what those I leave behind will remember about me...such a challenging and convicting thought. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock, and my redeemer." (Ps 19:14).

How about you? Are there words that come back to you from those who have gone before you...voices that speak from the grave? Would love to hear from you!

Warmly, Gracia