A happy May Day...
/When I was growing up, one of the days we celebrated in the spring was May Day...always the first of May. I remember weaving construction paper strips to make baskets, and then making the brightly colored paper flowers to stick inside the "basket". Does anyone else remember that? At home, my sisters and I would cut flowers that were growing in the yard, wrap them up in a paper cone, and deliver them to neighbor's doorsteps...hoping to surprise them. Loving flowers like I do, I always thought this was a fun way to celebrate spring!
Well, a couple months ago, in February actually, I received my Midwest Living magazine. In case you're wondering, I love this magazine because it helps me feel connected to the memories of the years I lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota...and the folks I know and love who live there! Anyway, the February issue showed a bouquet of cupcakes on the cover, iced to look like roses...a Valentine's day idea. When I saw it, for some reason the first thought that occurred to me was that it would be fun to do this for May Day! I thought I would share this a day early, in case any of you want to make one too. So, here goes...
The supplies...
A pot or two pot
One or two Styrofoam balls (I could only find white ones, so bought green spray paint to spray them)
Green tissue paper
(The magazine said to fill the pots with Styrofoam peanuts to help secure the skewers, I didn't have any so I used sand...gotta improvise sometimes!)
Once the cupcakes are baked, you place then around the Styrofoam ball with the skewers, before you ice them. ( I discovered I didn't have any cupcakes to make two "bouquets", so I had to settle for one.)
Cupcakes attached with skewers...
Then, insert small pieces of green tissue paper to help fill the empty spaces. Ice the cupcakes with a large open star tip (Wilton 1 M), starting in the middle of the cupcake and circling out.
Pink and green are such a pretty combination...don't you think?
My May Day cupcake "bouquet" is done! Now, I just have to figure out who to give it to tomorrow....it may be you!
Hope you have a happy May Day...the sun is supposed to shine!
If you are looking for a total May Day experience, take a drive to Leavenworth, WA and dance around the May pole on May 9 - 11!
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