A Little Bit of Country...

Source: Joey+Rory facebook 

Source: Joey+Rory facebook 

You know, prior to meeting my husband, I'd never been much of country music fan. My exposure to country was limited to hearing Johnny Cash once in a while on the radio, or having small, down home quartets, that were on a traveling circuit come and sing at our church. They often accompanied their songs with guitar or slide guitar, and their vocals included a lot of swooping up to the note and funny little harmonies. I have to be honest...I was not a fan. The closest thing to country that I liked was John Denver...and I was thrilled when my brother treated me to one of his concerts for my 16th birthday.

Fast forward a few years...my husband, who loved Rock (and even Disco!) while we were dating, began to play country music on his job sites and sing along. He found the music to be a stress reliever and liked the easy melodies and lyrics. If I hopped in the car with him, he would tune into the country station and I would listen along...not by choice, but out of courtesy. I was still not a much of a fan! I didn't love the twangy sound and sometimes depressing words. I laughed when I heard Lucy Swindoll call country music, "the book of Job revisited!" My husband loved the old country singers, like Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Merle Haggard.

Time went on and country music began to grow on me a bit. Still not loving all of it, I began to like some country songs by artists like Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, and Vince Gill. I even attended a Dixie Chicks concert when a friend invited me along. Our music worship team at church learned a song called, "God is good, all the time," and my husband Brooks often led off with an opening solo...sounding amazingly good and a lot like Garth Brooks! (Weird name coincidence, huh?). 

Now there are a plethora of popular country singers and country music as a whole appears to be booming. Even young girls are in love with the songs by Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood and music festivals like Watershed in eastern Washington attract big name country singers. If you want to hear a fun mix of country singers singing some old favorites, like "Country Roads," "I will always love you," and "On the Road Again," listen in!

So, when a singing duo came across my facebook feed, named Joey and Rory, I listened in to their music...and then I began to follow their story. Rory, the husband, had started a blog to chronicle his wife Joey's fight with cervical cancer. As I followed along, my heart just ached for them and I too prayed for healing for Joey. Yet, God, in his infinite and mysterious wisdom, chose to take Joey home to be with Him, at the age of 40, leaving her husband and a two year old daughter, Indianna, behind. 

Last night, I went to see the movie of their life and struggle, called, To Joey, with love. The movie is only scheduled for two nights, Sept 20 and October 6. If you love country at all, or even just love a good story of strong faith in the midst of adversity, I highly encourage you to go see it when it plays in October. If you want to read about their story, you can go to Rory's blog, This life I live

Here is the movie trailer:

I hope you will be inspired by their faith, their love, and their story like I was. In spite of their growing fame, they lived a simple life and loved each other well. May we spend our days the way God intended, until He takes us home. Hope you are enjoying this glorious fall weather! Warmly, Gracia