Flour Pot Kitchen cooking class...

Flour Pot Kitchen cooking class...

Do you ever feel a little stuck in a rut when it comes to the meals  you cook? I sure do! You would think with all the online recipe websites and Pinterest that I would be experimenting like crazy. I don't know about you, but the problem for me is, I hate to go to a lot of work and the expense of buying the ingredients, only to find out the final result really wasn't worth the effort. Snagging recipes from friends is much more reliable, but I really like learn how to prepare a new dish hands on...like a cooking class!


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A Mother's Day...for the Mighty.

 A Mother's Day...for the Mighty.

Every where I've gone in the last few days, I've heard the the parting farewell words, "Have a Happy Mother's Day!" Do these clerks and bank tellers just look at me at my age, perhaps see the wedding ring on my hand, and assume that I am a mother?  I know this farewell is spoken with good intentions, and yet, part of me wonders if these words bring a soul ache instead of the warm "Hallmark card" commercial feelings?

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Viva! to Birthdays and German Chocolate Cake...

Viva! to Birthdays and German Chocolate Cake...

Growing up in Brasil, we always sang the traditional "Happy Birthday to you" song in English on our birthdays, followed by the Brasilian version in Portuguese, "Parabens A Voce." I'm not sure why, but even after we returned to live in the United States, my family continued this tradition of singing both songs (same tune, by the way!).

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Shrimp and Tuna Hotdish...

Shrimp and Tuna Hotdish...

My mother grew up in Minnesota, the home of the "Hotdish," although folks from North Dakota might argue with me on that one. Mom was a wonderful cook and had a slew of recipes up her sleeve. Many of them were very healthy and nutritious, but once in a while, especially after she returned to work as an RN, even she resorted to the ease and versatility of a hotdish.

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Spring...inside and out

Spring...inside and out

Last night it rained so hard that the sound of it woke me up. I could hear the rain hitting the windows and roof with a such force and I was so thankful to be snuggled in my warm bed. Waking to grey skies once again, I huddled in a blanket out on the front porch for a quiet time as I read the Word and prayed. Looking at the dismal weather, I tried to encourage myself with the old adage, "April showers bring May flowers." I do love flowers!

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Scandinavian Apricot Almond Bars...

Scandinavian Apricot Almond Bars...

A friend of mine had a birthday this week. I thought and thought about what I should give her as a birthday gift. Running downstairs to my pantry closet for some almonds, I spied a jar of apricot jam she had given me. Knowing apricots are her favorite fruit, I had an inspiration! I remembered seeing a recipe made with apricot jam in one of my Norwegian cookbooks.

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